Why do I need a personal tutor?

Why use a personal tutor?

There are many reasons parents and carers choose personal tutoring of maths and English for their children…

Personal Tutoring provides a unique learning journey with individualised instruction and support to meet the varied needs of your child, without the distraction of a crowded classroom.

Personal Tutoring can help strengthen subject knowledge, boost confidence, increase resilience and build important ‘learning skills’ for life.

Personal Tutoring provides aspiring parents and carers with the advantage of professional support in the very foundation subjects that lead to success.

Personal Tutoring prepares children to become active and effective learners in this forever changing global economy.

Personal Tutoring allows for the uniqueness of children; adapting teaching and instruction to the pace of the individual, which develops a deeper knowledge, higher information retention and enhances engagement.

Personal Tutoring works towards rigorous learning outcomes providing a variety of ways to demonstrate learning.